Unconventionally effective
workplace counsel.
The More Things Change,
The More They Stay The Same
Since 1979 our firm has worked with you to answer your questions, resolve your problems and plan strategically for your businesses. Your success was our success. We grew and evolved as your businesses grew and your issues evolved.
We are still evolving. In a change that will help us meet our clients’ needs even more effectively, as of November 28 we have all joined Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP, a firm we have worked with for almost 20 years as TKD has grown. We are moving as a team and we hope and expect this transition to be seamless for us, our clients and friends. We are excited to bring you the enhanced strength of our combined talent and a much broader range of legal services to complement the work we have done for decades.
We look forward to more decades together!
Please reach out and say hello. You can find us at:
Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP
1350 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
Fred Klein fcklein@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0337
Joan Rothermel jrothermel@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0335
Jane Jacobs jjacobs@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0330
Nancy Schess nschess@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0310
Brian Gordon bgordon@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0336
Matthew Bost mbost@tarterkrinsky.com 212-574-0338